

i always head this question from my friend:

" i have no idea for my subject metal!"
" what subject metal should i choose?"

i like to share a story will you, especial my friend who study art or design...

few days ago,
i have a friend told me that her favour subject metal is Nanas.
what ever work she do on her artwork, she will add the nanas factor...
nanas in drawing, nanas in sculpture...
by the way, she also like to eat nanas.
to me, she is really a nanas freak!

to her, nanas not just a nanas...
nanas is not just a fruit...
she grown up in a nanas kampung...
she love nanas just like loving her family...

a lot of people don't understand why she choose nanas as her subject metal...
they think that nanas is too old school, nothing special , no deep feeling...

of cause, they have no feeling with nanas...
they never live in nanas kampung, plan the nanas and so on...

nanas to her not just a tropical fruit...
nanas is her study, breakfast, lunch, dinner fees...
nanas is her sweet memory with her family, especial her farther...
nanas is her the souse of happiness, sadness and other feeling...

thats why she choose nanas as her subject metal.

so, my friend...
especially my friend who study art or design...
do you understand the moral behind this story?

go find the a subject metal that will make you happy and become a sweet memory.

(p/s: to my nanas freak friend...
keep carry on with your Nanasism.
hopefully, one day you will own your nanas kingdom in the world of art!


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I never say that i am normal.
